Back to the Salt Mines

Well, after going to meet and speak to my new Cardiologist, not that my old one was broke or anything, just not on my Insurance Providers' list of physicians so I had to get on their list for it to get financed, I am getting to go back to work at the old salt mines. While there is a limitation, no lifting of anything heavier than 5 pounds, there are lots of things that I can do around the warehouse that will keep me busy, make the other folks that work there lives a bit easier, and most importantly, put me back in the wage earners list.

So my long vacation is over with and just in the nick of time as it were. My bank account couldn't stand much more of this and will probably be whining for a while as I pay back the various bills that have to be dealt with, but it isn't anything that I don't think I can't deal with. I did get to enjoy my hobbies around the house, quit smoking completely, caught up on a few little chores around the house and got rested up nicely.

The Cardiologist's recommendations were, lose some more weight, keep on exercising, and get ready for more doctor's appointments, tests and that sort of thing. She seems to be of the opinion that I may need a defibrillator installed, personally I am more of the mind that I don't really want one installed, I would rather work on getting my ticker in shape to withstand the rigors of life, especially after reading in this month's Readers' Digest about some of the problems that these so called miracle fix its' can cause. As it is now, I have to go in for a blood test in a week, a "echo" in two weeks and another appointment with her in 6 weeks. That is more or less my time table to lose some more weight, get into better shape and improve things so I can avoid more problems.