Trying to find a diagnosis

Several years ago I started having issues with allergies, thought it was normal since allergies run in my family I just took claritin and blew it off as just that. At the same time I was in the Air Force, stationed at Luke Air Force base, in Phoenix, Arizona. During my time there I started having pain in my feet because my drill instructor wouldn't allow me to stretch before we started running. That was diagnosed as tendinitis. In December 2005, I was honorably discharged from the Air Force, and stayed in Arizona. A year later, my wife and I moved to Ogden, Utah for a job prospect that eventually led to no where. At this time I started having a horrible chronic cough, with no production to it, that was dismissed a lot as just a common cold approaching. After losing our income we moved to Round Lake, IL, and started living with my Uncle in Law who helped me and my family till we were able to get back on our feet. While there my cough progressed into a wheezing cough, so I saw a doctor who said it was Asthma, and prescribed Albuterol and Advair with out doing the test to confirm it. This helped for awhile to control it, the cough really stopped, but I still have a wheeze that doesn't go away. After living with him for a year and a half we moved into a apartment in a near by village called Gurnee, and since have called this place home. About a few months after we moved in I had what I thought was just a case of the Noro Virus, or food poisoning. This led to many EGD scope tests, and two dilatations, and a strange pain in my upper left abdomen. After the first dilatation my pain in the ab went away for about six months, and after the second dilatation the pain returned within the week. Since then I have been on various pain medications to try and stop the pain, but its like putting a bandaid on a deep cut, its not enough sometimes. Last week I started having a tremor in my leg that caused me to nearly fall threw our bedroom window. My wife took me to the hospital where they admitted me and ran several tests. I don't know what the results are other then the blood tests came back with high eosinphil counts. Sunday the 11th of July, I took myself out of the hospital without medical advisement because after reporting to the attending doctor I was having chest pain followed by joint pain, and was told suck it up for your on enough pain medication. All I was looking for was him to actually write it down, and look into if it could be linked to everything else going on. Since then the doctors have been arguing over whether or not its Churg-Strauss Syndrome or Hypereosinphila Syndrome. This argument is taking time, time I feel I do not have if they don't come to a conclusion soon.